
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I've never...

I've never...

1) Had a tattoo

I contemplated having one before (on my lower back), at a given age. But the idea just sort of dissipate into thin air when the time comes. Luckily I didn't do it cos I now think it's trashy! A pure, fair body is the most beautiful.

2) Had a tongue piercing

My last piercing was a navel piercing, 5 years ago, & I had it closed already. I have no guts, nor a modicum of interest in getting pierced anywhere other than my ear lobes or navel. (Even my mum was more gutsy than me! A long long long time ago she had a piercing in the helix. But I was afraid becos I heard stories of people going blind from the piercing hitting their nerves)

3) Won a lucky draw

4) Done any adventurous sports

Not even the "bungee jumping" at Clarke Quay, which has been there for many many years already. But one day, I'd like to do the real bungee jumping, & parachuting, & skydiving! They're on my things-to-do-before-I-die.

5) Had a stye
When my little cousin was around 4-5, he get that alot. And all the adults used to tease him cos they say if you get a stye, it means you must've seen something you shouldn't have... like peeping at someone shower :p I haven't had one yet.

6) Been in an accident

7) Driven on the road without a license

I know how to drive, & I drove on the road many times before, just not outside my lessons. I know many people secretly drive their friend's car, learning how to drive on their own... but I wouldn't do that. Of cos, it'd be absurd to say that I'm a goody-two-shoes who haven't broke any laws. All of us did when we were young! Be it mild or serious ones. But who hasn't got a past?

8) Volunteered before

Of course I mean volunteering out of your own accord. Those compulsory ones years back in school doesn't count. There was a time when I really want to do volunteering work that I searched the internet until daybreak. Signed up for a group already, just haven't got to doing it.

9) Been in a theme park haunted house

Not that I can recall. I remember when I was 14, we had a family outing to Escape theme park. There was a "haunted house", which required visitors to be at least 7 years old. Even at twice the age, I still don't have the courage to go in! So I looked after everyone's bag alone, including my 7 year old cousin's. LOL!! Of course... my playful friends & I had visited real haunted houses before. That was eons ago. Being the timid me, I listened to my mp3 & hid behind my friend's back the whole time.

10) Watched a 3D movie
In Disneyland or USS, yes. Just not a movie, & honestly? I'm not really interested in watching one.

11) Gotten dead drunk

Drunk as in laugh/cry uncontrollably, can't stand still, talk in random languages loudly.... yes. But not dead drunk like sprawled over the toilet bowl, vomiting all over the place, lying on the floor like a corpse. Hahaha I say all these becos just last week I witnessed how a friend gotten drunk like that (at someone else's bdae celebration!) It was horrifying! The pic below is the mildest already, just look at this, & this!

But to be honest, I'll behave extremely different from myself when I'm drunk too. Like I wouldn't normally talk  loudly or gibberish under normal circumstances. The one time I've gotten the drunkest was waking up the next morning with partial memory loss of what had happened.

12) Smoked shisha (sheesha?)

I know how to smoke, I just haven't got to try shisha yet. And I heard it's dopeeee!

13) Eaten Subway

Weird, I know. I hadn't eaten tomatoes before either. Nor most vegetables.

14) Travelled alone

Adventurers who backpack around the world impresses me! There's once in the lift of Changi Airport, I saw 2 caucasians with their HUGE backpack on them & I remember thinking at that point that I'd never be able to do this. Maybe sometime in the future. (Sidetrack: I enjoy watching The Amazing Race) I'm sure they have to dig really deep in to find a piece of clothing or charger.

Actually... I do have the guts to travel alone. Just not backpack.

15) Walked into a sex shop

Despite owning a sex toy. Hahaha. Which was actually a bdae gift from a close gf 2 years ago.

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